Mikki testiä

Vapaa keskustelu, sekä Entropyn toimintaa ja elektronista musiikkikulttuuria koskevat kommentit, kysymykset ja ideat.
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Posts: 2902
Joined: 27.06.2005, 17:34
Real Name: Harri Häivälä
Alias: TheH

Mikki testiä

Post by TheH »

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My name is Mikelis Studers and I'm contacting you about my startup company. We are developing a new type of microphones for conferences and teaching sessions. One of our ideas is to build a mic that is covered in a soft foam and can be thrown in audiences to increase engagement and move it around faster. We are currently searching for people working in the field (audio and sound equipment) to talk about this idea and get feedback. We are based here in Otaniemi (participating Summer of Startups 2012 in Venture Garage). Is it possible to meet and discuss the idea any time this week?

Mikelis Studers
Electronics Engineer 
Aalto Design Factory
Betonimiehenkuja 5C, 02150
Espoo, Finland
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